In the Spotlight
VIDEO: Thales Alenia Space at Satellite 2016 international conference

Until March 11th, Thales Alenia Space is at the Satellite 2016 international conference, along with Telespazio. This annual event is held in Washington, D.C. and brings together all main players in space and telecommunications, including operators, manufacturers and end-users.
High Troughput Satellites New Generation, communications constellations, the new all-electric platform Spacebus NEO... All Thales Alenia Space’s new products and latest innovations will be highlighted during the event. To find out more about Thales Alenia Space’ latest news and technologies, please refer below to the "Satellite 2016" document.
Last but not least, Thales Alenia Space sponsored the conference Opening Ceremony. The session started with an innovative and passionate video featuring Space challenges that we wanted to share with you!
Video copyright: © Thales Alenia Space/Master Image Programmes