Health, Safety, Environment
Providing a safe working environment, minimizing risks of pollution and improving energy performances
Health, Safety, Environment
Providing a safe working environment, minimizing risks of pollution and improving energy performances

At Thales Alenia Space, we believe in space as humankind’s new horizon to build a better, sustainable life on Earth.
In line with its values and as part of an ambitious, voluntary approach, Thales Alenia Space is committed to:
- providing a safe and healthy working environment;
- preserving the environment by limiting the impacts (energy, climate, natural resources,…) and by minimizing the risks of pollution;
- improving continuously energy performances;
- designing, purchasing, manufacturing, and supplying solutions and products that integrate health, safety and environmental requirements.
Climate change is one of today’s most pressing concerns. With the actual greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the planet’s average temperature will keep rising for several centuries. The central objective of Paris Agreement, adopted on December 12th 2015 by 196 Parties during the COP 21 summit, consists in controlling the global average temperature augmentation to 1.5°C with respect to pre-industrial levels. The European Union is committed to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050.
In this context, our main shareholder Thales has recently set ambitious targets for reducing its direct CO2 emissions. The objective that has been set by the Group, and carried by all employees, is to cut C02 emissions by 35% in 2023, by 50% in 2030 and to reach "net zero" by 2040 (i.e. to be carbon-neutral). These targets are consistent with the objective of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Thales Alenia Space is fully committed to reduce its carbon footprint. 2 years ago, our company also installed a complete set of solar carports at its Toulouse facility, which are now online and generating electricity. This first sustainable parking installation is being replicated at other company sites in Europe: Rome, Turin, Cannes and Charleroi. It’s a prime example of our commitment to protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint.
Sustainability in space can’t be tackled without considering the system performance of the satellites we build. Our teams pioneered the transition from chemical to electrical propulsion and managed to improve significantly launch mass efficiency in GEO satellites This has been possible thanks to the relentless introduction of innovative technological solutions, including electronics miniaturization. We are also working on eco-design & recycling solutions together with our customers and partners.
In order to manage these ambitious goals and assure continuous improvement on its performances, Thales Alenia Space owns several certifications. Indeed, the company has an integrated model of Management System according to the following voluntary standards ISO (International Organization for Standardization):
- ISO 9001 - Quality Management System (QMS)
- ISO 14001 - Environmental management system (EMS)
- ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OH&S MS)
- ISO 50001 - Energy Management System (EnMS)