In the Spotlight

A new optical integration building for Thales Alenia Space

In the Spotlight

A new optical integration building for Thales Alenia Space

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    Thales Alenia Space inaugurated on October 2nd 2015 a new production facility, intended for the integration and testing of high and very high resolution optical instruments for observation satellites dedicated to the export market. Called Sélené, the new building, whose construction began in October 2014, complements the existing infrastructure, in Cannes, dedicated to optical observation programs.

    Increased industrial means to bolster Thales Alenia Space’s export capability

    Earth Observer Optical © Master Image Programmes

    Through this 8 million euro investment, plus the introduction of the new Earth Observer Optical product line, Thales Alenia Space, already a leader in the very-high-resolution optical observation market, will be able to bolster its export capability thanks to increased industrials facilities, unrivaled in Europe.

    Séléné: able to handle four programs at the same time

    This “divisible” building, which has a footprint of 1,500 square meters, including up to four separate integration zones, is able to handle four satellites at the same time. The building features stringently controlled clean rooms, an airlock entrance, control rooms and machine rooms. One of the clean rooms spans 300 square meters and is Class ISO 5 (Class 100, or less than 100 particles no larger than 0.5 µm per cubic foot – compared with a human hair, which is 40 to 50 mµ in diameter); the other is 500 square meters and Class ISO 8 (Class 100,000). These rooms house the optical test bench assembly and thermal chamber used to measure optical performance without outside disturbances, such as air turbulence, vibrations, etc.

    To read the entire press release, please click here